Europe's software companies still have a growing home market. 欧洲软件公司的国内市场仍在增长中。
Much is produced here for the home market. 这里的大部分产品是供应国内市场的。
But in the future can you trust its overseas growth to make up for its slowing home market? 但你能肯定其海外业务未来的增长会填补其美国国内业务的放缓吗?
This has not stopped Huawei from launching a gaming device by that name in China, its home market, in 2014. 但这并没有阻止华为(Huawei)在2014年于中国国内市场推出了以这个名字命名的游戏设备。
Foreign interest in the US home market looks set to continue as investors seek out a good deal. 随着投资者们寻求一笔好的交易,海外对美国房地产市场的兴趣将会持续。
But sometimes a company's home market gets in the way of efforts to be local in other countries. 但有时候,对于某些公司在其它国家本地化的努力,这些公司的本土市场却增添了阻碍。
Our mini-type washer is enjoying a high prestige at the home market. 我们生产的迷你型洗衣机在国内市场享有很高的声誉。
I like it very much. I think I'll get it on our home market. 我非常喜欢。我想在我们国内市场上可以买到。
Sale in the home market rise by 22%. 国内市场的销售量提高了22%。
We shall at first have to concentrate on our home market. 我们首先得把重点放在国内市。
[ But] we should focus on our home market first, and not try being a capital player. (但)我们首先应着眼于国内市场,而不是试图成为资本玩家。
Technical progress would put our firm in possession of the home market. 技术的进步将使我们公司占领国内市场。
We'd like to cancel the order for the goods because of the change in the home market. 由于国内行情有变化,这种商品我们打算取消订货。
That HP factory in Chongqing produces its laptops only for the home market. 重庆惠普工厂只为国内市场生产笔记本电脑。
They sell mainly to the home market. 他们主要向国内市场销售。
The Home Market Effect is one of the important mechanisms of industrial agglomeration in New Geographic Economics. 本地市场效应是新经济地理学中关于产业集聚形成的重要机制之一。
Although it has a presence in Eastern Europe, it has concentrated more on its home market. 虽然该行在东欧有些势力,但它更多地集中于国内市场。
Since this is a dry line, it would be to own a home market and technology knowledge. 既然是干这行的,那就自己去科技市场一家家的了解。
Chinese banks have been very focused on their home market. 法兰克福的一位银行家表示:中国各银行一直十分关注国内市场。
They sell to the home market, but they don't export. 他们向国内市场销售,但不出口。
Like most large Chinese companies, China Netcom was focused on opportunities in its vast home market. 正如中国大多数大型企业一样,中国网通专注于庞大的国内市场带来的机遇。
Their new products bombed on the home market. 他们的新产品在国内市场销售失败。
As experts in trade show design, we understand the home market and customer's requirement. 作为本土展览业首屈一指的制作工厂,我们更加了解国内市场,了解客户的需求!
Investors will always prefer to invest in their home market if they can. 只要可能,投资者总是更愿意在本国市场投资。
We are having to cater for an expanding home market. 我们必须迎合国内市场扩张的需要。
Are these cars made for the home market of for export? 这些汽车是为了国内市场消费还是出口呢?
Are the bicycles produced in your factory sold on the home market or for export? 你那家工厂生产的自行车是内销还是供出口?
But success in its home market made Best Buy overconfident. 但在本土市场的成功让百思买过于自信。
These cameras sell well in the home market. 这些相机在国内市场很畅销。
The book was published at home and abroad but it sold better in the home market. 这本书在国内外同时发行,但它在国内市场上销路更好。